The Complete Normal/Combination Skincare Protocol

217,30 kr 162,98 kr SEK

Get the Guide and get better skin today. Learn how to deal with your Normal/Combination Skin - STEP BY STEP.

This Protocol will help you simplify and streamline your entire skincare routine - so you can hone in on EXACTLY what YOUR skin needs.

  • How to know exactly what you should be buying for your skin
  • Build a solid routine based on your needs and budget
  • What you should be doing with your normal/combo skin - morning and night
  • What to do with your normal/combo skin when it's acting up
  • How to exfoliate for younger, brighter looking skin (without irritation)

No more guessing or wondering if you're doing "too much" or "too little" for your skin!

I've been an Esthetician for over 20 years.

I can help you understand your skin (in simple terms!) and get your skin AND your skincare routine on track. Your routine can be as simple or as fancy as you like! 

Also includes -


-Easy fill-in-the-blanks worksheets so you can get going with your new routine quickly!

-Convenient Shopping Guide